Here you can add the lyrics to your song, which will then show up when your track is played on Apple Music. Apple Music has strict rules to follow when it comes to adding lyrics to your tracks. Please view the guidelines to make sure you are adding them correctly.

You can import a .ttml, or .txt file containing your lyrics, or simply type or copy them into the text field. In the next step you can add timeslots to your lyrics, so that they will play in real time with the song.

In order to do that, press “start markup” and press enter every time the line of your lyric starts and ends.

If you want to change a line, go back to its position, make your changes and click on “change”.

Deleting a line can be done by clicking the “delete” button.

Once you’re done transcribing, click next and “Done” to finish the process or first “save as” to save your .ttml file for future purposes.

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