Please select here whether the song is an original recording, a cover version or a soundalike.


Original: an original recording of a song

Cover: a cover version of an already existing song

Soundalike: recordings which are arranged and produced on purpose so that they imitate an existing original recording as closely as possible. In this sense, soundalikes are cover versions, but without the intention of a new artistic interpretation of an original work.


Due to a potential confusion with the original work, iTunes and Spotify do not accept soundalikes. Therefore, if a song is marked as a soundalike in MES, it will not be exported to the iTunes Music Store or Spotify.



As soon as you have uploaded the track, the soundalike-setting cannot be undone. If your song is a soundalike and you don't identify it as such, this might lead to costs that can be forwarded to you.


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Tab „Track data“